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About the Booklets

What are these booklets and how do I use them?

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Ryan Robinson


Ryan Burkes

What is AMAWSAU?



The main purpose of this website is as a repository for informational booklets on Pagan topics.

These booklets were created to support community leaders who are volunteers and often have few resources directly allocated with which to support their communities.

The text was designed to provide information on modern Paganism, including a wide variety of Pagan traditions and styles of practice.

This material can also serve to educate chaplains and other public leaders in multi-faith settings about these traditions and the religious needs of this large and growing community that is often hidden, ignored, or maligned.

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Printing and Assembly

These booklets are designed to print

double sided, turning over on the short edge.

After collecting all pages for each booklet;

fold all pages in half along the center line to make a spine.

Publicly supported chapels and chaplains have resources to produce copies,

and should do so to provide support to the generally underserved Pagan population.


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Projects of any size take dedication and support from a community.

This project is no different.

There have been a large number of people who have directly or indirectly inspired, informed, or helped this project. An exhaustive list of their names and contributions may well be impossible. However, a few key names must be identified.

Ryan Robinson


Ryan Burkes

Ryan Robinson

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Ryan Robinson is the primary author or editor of the booklets on this site, and maintains the website as a resource.

They grew up as a mainline Protestant (Christian) and held a variety of leadership positions in their Church, including serving as a youth Deacon.

In the early 1990s they started exploring religious ideas in the broader family of religious. It was during this time they adopted some of the core activities that remain central to their eclectic Pagan practice and understanding of spirituality, ultimately finding themselves being run out of multiple churches.

They continued to study religions, developing their personal understanding and practice, while only occasionally engaging with any religious community.

In 2008 they joined the US military as an officer.

In 2021 they found themselves leading a community that spanned the broad spectrum of Pagans on the local military installation. The group tended towards younger individuals and those who were newer to Paganism and still exploring.

In support of this local Pagan community, Ryan was often called upon to provide information on Pagan beliefs and practices to Chaplain Corps personnel and other military leaders. These individuals generally have no familiarity with Paganism nor understanding of the broad assumption of the "Christian default" in which they exist. The information provided sometimes included direct training but, more often, was given as resources or support to individuals.

The booklets featured on this page are one part of a multi-year project to make updated information on the wide range and underlying features of Pagan beliefs and practices freely and easily available to others seeking to support this community.


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Ada is the primary copyeditor for the booklets presented on this site. As an advanced student of Hellenic practice, they have authored material presented on that subject. They also serve as a point of reference for a wide variety of practice and general information.

Ryan Burks

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Ryan Burks is experienced and knowledgeable in a range of Heathen topics. He has studied broadly, seeking direct information from primary sources. He continues serving as a leader in the Heathen and broader Pagan community.


ahh-mah + sah-ooo

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Paganism, in all its forms, is a religion of homework.

Where some religions claim to provide answers,

Paganism offers only questions.

Wisdom is a destination to which there is no straight line;

only the arc of discovery.

The hardest lessons in life to learn

are those which cannot be taught.

No amount of telling or instruction

can provide this kind of understanding.

It comes from experience; and the pain that often accompanies it.

Celebrate all paths that lead to light.

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination.

Star Trek

Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes,

but they are mistakes which it is useful to make,

because they lead little by little to the truth.

Jules Verne

Science is not truth.

Science is finding the truth.

When science changes its opinion,

it didn't lie to you.

It learned more.

Mohamad Safa

In a forest of a hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike.

And no two journeys along the same path are alike.

Paulo Coelho

If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's.

Joseph Campbell

Don’t compare your path with anybody else’s.

Your path is unique to you.

Ram Dass

Does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?

Garth Nix

No love, no friendship,

can cross the path of our destiny

without leaving some mark on it forever.

Francois Mauriac

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked,

in which you can walk with love and reverence.

Henry David Thoreau

Every time you fall down or take the wrong path, it isn’t wasted.

You will surely develop and grow over time.

Natsuki Takaya

But remember, nothing comes without a price.

Our paths are not mapped; they’re made.

Priya Ardis

If you are seeking the right path,

you are already on the right path.

Yehuda Berg

Fiction is for getting at the truth

when the truth isn’t sufficient for the truth

Tim O'Brien

We all know that Art is not truth.

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth,

at least the truth that is given us to understand.

Pablo Picasso

The shoe that fits one person pinches another;

there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

Carl Jung

for every complicated question,

there’s an answer that is simple, neat, and wrong.
