Religious Accommodations

The US Department of Defense's religious accommodation process is designed ​to evaluate requests for exceptions to policy based on the spiritual practices ​and needs of individuals serving in the armed forces.

As of July 2023, accommodation does NOT require that practice is a mandatory ​part of a religion.

This page has a number of documents related to obtaining religious ​accommodation in the United States Army with the details of what they are. ​Other branches of service have their own processes.

The process to request religious accommodation begins with the Soldier ​producing a memo making this request and giving it to their Company ​Commander.

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Phase 2-3 training template

This is the full HQDA guidance / command training on how any religious ​accommodation should be processed.

2ID Religious Accommodation

This is a simplified version of the religious accommodation guidance.

There is a flowchart that makes the process much easier to understand.

However, it does have an error - it states the process starts with a 4186 which is ​incorrect; it requires a memo. Templates for this memo are below.

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General Templates

All of these templates came from HQDA G1 Command Policy.

All of these templates should be available from your unit chaplain.

If you have issues downloading these files click here.

1. Very general template that can be used for any request.

This is the template from which more specific templates below are built.

2. Chaplain recommendation template.

3. Company Commander recommendation template.

4. Battalion and Brigade Commander recommendation template.

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Specific Templates

Individuals requesting accommodation will need to fill in their personal ​information, unit information, and justification.

These templates are based on the general templates above but have removed ​all the extra options and clearly specified the request with necessary verbiage.

Exception to barracks policy for use of candles and incense

(approval authority based on policy originator)

Wear of a Beard less than or equal to 2”

(approval authority at the first GMCA)

Wear of a Beard with a length of 2" or greater

(approval authority at Secretary of the Army)

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Supporting Documents

Religious Accommodations for Heathens – This memo answers several common ​questions about Heathen (and Pagan) requests for religious accommodations.

Wear of Beards Among Heathens – This memo discusses the wear of beards ​among Heathens (and Pagans) and provides some avenues for justifying that ​belief.

There is also the following statement in the Forn Sidr of America bylaws;

Section 5. How Forn Sidr is Practiced

5.2.13 Connection with the self and the Powers through healthy grooming and ​hygiene, including keeping hair/beard well-kept and naturally long as a reflection ​of personal identity and a symbol of commitment to their spiritual practice.

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Download Issues

Many browsers do not like downloading word document formats.

The templates on this page are saved in that format

for ease of modification and use.

You may need to right-click a link and select “Save File As.”

Even then, some modern browsers consider the file type “insecure.”

Go to your “downloads” button;

This is typically an icon that appears in the upper-right of your browser window ​near the URL line.

Click on that, and there will be options to “save or “keep the file.

If you are still unable to retrieve the file, please feel free to e-mail me.

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